Ivana Soljic Jerbic
Pliva Croatia Ltd.,CROATIA
Ivana Soljic Jerbic, PhD has an expertise in the field of polymer chemistry and development and characterization of new synthetic polymeric materials. Most of her research work consists on investigation of reaction mechanism in complex copolymerization systems together with physico-chemical characterization of the produced copolymers as well as examination of their application properties mainly in advanced drug delivery systems. Most of her scientific work was published in internationally recognized journals in the field of polymer science. For excellence in scientific work in 2010 she won the national award “For woman in science”, organized by L’Oréal Adria. She is also an active member of national and international scientific and professional organizations such as: Scientific Council in Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) - Section for Petrochemistry, Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists, International Society of Plastics Engineers etc.
Abstract : Biodegradable synthetic polymers and their application in advance drug delivery systems (DDS)