![Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra](https://d2cax41o7ahm5l.cloudfront.net/cs/speaker-photo/Biopolymer-Congress-2016-Shivani-Bhardwaj-Mishra-38898.jpg)
Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra
University of South Africa, South Africa
Title: Bionanocomposites derived from natural hydrogel matrices: an application for water purification
Biography: Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra
Bionanocomposites derived from natural hydrogels have shown an effective material for water purification. These natural hydrogels matrices falls under the category of superabsorbents that can absorb large volume of water. Bionanocomposites synthesized from these matrices reinforced with nanomaterials are designed to obtain a supramolecular interpenetrating network capacity that is expected to absorb water many-folds when compared to its pristine form. Hydrogels has an ability to change its chemical structure that induces the volume change as per the physical conditions such as pH, temperature, salt concentration, electric field, solvent quantity thus making these material as stimuli responsive smart polymers and can be modified to smart materials with tailor made properties. To suit to a type of an application, the bionanocomposites can be devised with unique properties that can be exploited for natural, applied and medical sciences. This talk deals with the recent research progress in the area of bionanocomposites and its application to waste water treatment. [1-3].