Martin A. Masuelli
Stanford University, USA
Martin Alberto Masuelli is Doctorate in Chemistry in 2007 and “Master in Surface Sciences and Porous Media” from National San Luis University (UNSL). He is the director of Director of the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Services, UNSL. He has published more than 19 papers in journals and has been serving as an reviewer and editorial board member of repute, 5 book chapters and 52 congress presentation. Guest Editor of the Books: "Fiber Reinforced Polymers-The Applied Technology for Concrete Repair," INTECH, Croatia, 2013; "Advances in Physicochemical Properties of Biopolymers”, Bentham Publishing, USA, April 2016; "Biopackaging", CRC Press, April 2017. Editor in Chief and founder of the Journal of Polymer Physics and Chemistry Biopolymers, July 2013.
Abstract : Alcayota films. effect of crosslinking