Bioeconomy and future of bio-based materials

The Bioeconomy is the production of renewable biological resource and the conversion of these resources and waste into value products, like food, bio-based products, feed and bioenergy. These sectors have a strong potential for innovation due to their wide range of sciences that allows for industrial technologies. The shift to a feasible bio-based economy implies that the historically developed structures and the traditional way of life need to be completely reconsidered. Therefore, it is critical to bring into line researches into a broad basis to the solution of the budding societal challenges and to progressively integrate social and economic sciences, as well as cultural and humanities disciplines. The communal transition towards a bioeconomy raises questions around the ethical fundamentals as of the political and institutional framework conditions, in short, the regulating resources of such a comprehensive change.

  • Plastic as a global challenge and bio-based polymers is the key solution
  • Development of Bio-based polymers
  • Efficient production of Biomass for materials and bio-fuel
  • Integration of Bio-based polymers into todays materials
  • Economical, social and commmunal accepatnce of bioeconomy

Related Conference of Bioeconomy and future of bio-based materials

September 15-16, 2025

4th International Conference on Microfluidics

Paris, France

Bioeconomy and future of bio-based materials Conference Speakers